
"Crazy cat lady" - have you heard such an expression? And what about a "crazy cat man"? That's it. It is believed that loving cats is a woman's business. Well, still, all that tenderness and...
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“We are saving the cats because you come to us” is the slogan of the unique organization opened in Moscow last winter. This is a co-working space - an office space for people who only need an...
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Do you know what brutalism is? No? It's okay, we'll tell you everything now. Brutalism is an architectural style that was popular all over the world in the 50s-70s of the last century. Someone...
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They say that a cat is able to learn 120 commands and fulfill them no worse than any of the smartest dogs. It just doesn't want to. If it wants, it does, as, for example, the well-known Russian cat...
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Catism Style
October 5, 2021
No, this is not the Navi tribe from the famous Avatar blockbuster, they are just cats. The most common, just blue ones. And they usually behave like cats or like... people. They are having...
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Medal to Each Cat
September 23, 2021
“I want to cry. I was not allowed to go out in a mask with a cat. They said: "Sorry, you can't wear such a mask". Well, I will not argue with the organizers of the Olympics". These words of Evgeny...
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Books about Cats
July 23, 2021
The time of summer vacations is not only the sea, the beach and distant countries, especially it is better to postpone all those entertainments this year. But getting up with your feet in a country...
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Cats Mean Culture
July 23, 2021
If you have been to St. Petersburg at least once, then, of course, you know that this city is rightfully considered the cultural capital of Russia - and perhaps of the whole world. And even if you...
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