Cats in the Snow

What else to write on the first winter day?

"Snow fell, frost arose, the cat takes snow to wash its nose..." (Выпал снег, упал мороз, кошка снегом моет нос…)

Did you also remember this nursery rhyme? Indeed, today is December 1, when the calendar winter begins, which means it's time to share photos of cats in the snow.

Because cats and snow are a separate form of the art.

Sergei Mikhalkov, by the way, is not the only one who wrote poems about this friendship. For example - simple but cute:

White flies fly

Open your mouths wider!

These flies don't bite

But cats bite them.

Warming up by a stove

Holding tails like a pipe,

Running out onto the porch

Red, white, blue.

(Мухи белые летают,
Открывайте шире рты!
Эти мухи не кусают,
А кусают их коты.
Отогреются у печки,
И, держа хвосты трубой,
Выбегают на крылечко
Рыжий, белый, голубой.)

Directly about the painting by Irina Zenyuk (Rina Z), which we already told you about, remember?

Let us go back to the photos. What signature would you come up with, for example, for this one? We suggest this one: "Help!!!"

And to this one: "Snow is beautiful, they said..."

And this: "Master, have a heart, let me go back!"

Well, here, of course, "Hopelessness".

Indeed, it is better to look at winter from a warm house.

Or at least from your favorite box. The cats are sure of this.

But not all. Some of them don't mind dancing in snow. White on white!

Or you can go on a winter hunt. The most feline business!

Although... Or maybe, hell with that snow?..