Litter, SFS, 3 years

Post date:: 06/05/21 06:02 Number of views: 252
20 000 RUB
Мальчик. Свободен Продаётся. Пока только под резерв. Дата рождения котёнка 27 марта 2021 года. Зовут Питер Пэн. Цены на сайте питомника шотландских вислоухих кошек Black Crystal Всё свежее видео на инстограмм
Cat: Pirseya, Paulina,Pol'ka, Patritsiya
Sire: WCF Ch. Prince Lucas Soft Dream
Dam: Lakmir Pride Heart
Cattery: Black Crystal
Posted by: Alyokhina Oksana
City: Almaty
Lift up in search

An ad goes to the top (ads with "Pinned" status may still be placed higher), gradually lowering down as new ads are posted. Time of placement for your ad automatically extends for another month, counting from the current day.

Price of the service is 30 rubles

Mark in list

Your ad will be shown on a golden background over next 7 days. It also will be placed at the top of search results, as well as it's time placement will be automatically extended for another month, counting from the current day.

Price of the service is 50 rubles

Pin up at the top

Over next 7 days your ad will be shown on the most observable place - above common ads on the search page.

Price of the service is 70 rubles