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- Shorthair
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The origin of the breed
This breed’s name sounds just like an ocelot, wild feline with spotted coat, oftenly referred to as serval. The combination of a wild coat and domesticated disposition is what the breed is about, and both the “ocelot” and “cat” parts comprise it’s name.
Ocicat’s history begins in 1964 when Virginia Daly took it upon herself to develop siamese cats with spotted tabby pattern, and so she crossed a siamese-abyssinian cat with a chocolate-spotted siamese, and indeed she found a kitten with a coat of golden spots on creamy background. However, Tonga was sterile, so the story would not come to an end just yet. Siamese, oriental, and american shorthair cats, as well as egyptian mau were used in the programme resulting in contemporary ocicats, resembling smaller wildcats.
The breed was officially recognised by CFA in 1986, and by 1988 TICA came up with it’s first standard. Ocicats are quite popular in the USA, but are only taking off in Europe.
A somewhat large domestic cat, weighing from 5 to 13 lbs, able bodied and well built. The defining feature, however, is their “wild” coat.
Head: Average sized, wedge shaped, almost triangular. The skull should be as long as it is wide, defined by smooth transition between the forehead and the muzzle, which should be quite wide and wedgy, with soft whisker pads, and a strong chin. The cheeks are lightly contoured, and adult males may have saggy cheeks.
Eyes: Large, almond-shaped, slightly slanted and wide set. They are highlighted by dark contours and bright “shades”. All colours, except blue, are permitted, and should be even and bright. Most cats have golden eyes, SCFF allows all eye colours for colourpoints.
Ears: Quite large, set straight and wide. Broad at base and with pointy tips. Lynx tufts are desired.
Neck: Elongated, arching, elegant.
Body: Long and rather thick, it is a perfect middle ground between athletic and oriental, which makes the cat look smaller than it is.
Legs: Medium length, with well developed and strong muscles.
Paws: Elliptic, neat.
Tail: Longer than average, and quite thin, getting even thinner by the tip, which should always be dark.
Coat: Short, somewhat thin, soft and silky to the touch. There should be a number of pigmentation stripes on every hair.
Colours: Three patterns are allowed: tabby, shaded and solid. The colour may vary from brown and chocolate to lilac and blue, and all of these may be silver. Hair on the muzzle and bottom jaw. The spots on coat should be darker than the background and have defined outlines, and spots on the head and limbs should be darker than elsewhere. A characteristic M-shaped mark is on the forehead, and dark stripes are on the cheeks and by the eyes.
Flaws: Excessively massive body and stout build
Disqualification on shows: Слабо выраженные, с нечеткими контурами пятна; наличие белого цвета. Голубой цвет глаз (FIFe).
Universal disqualification: Ампутированные когти, крипторхизм, глухота.
Character traits and features
Ocicats are very active, lively and curious cats. They are playful, social and rather odd unexpectedly considering their wild looks - they are amazing lap cats, are very amish, and not only to their owner. Quite intelligent, they will usually behave as leaders in most companies and tolerate children well. Able to adapt well to any living conditions, they really thrive in large spaces.
Maintenance and care
Neither maintenance nor care would require a lot of your attention, for these cats are usually rugged and healthy. Their coat is easy to look after, all it takes is some grooming on a weekly basis.
Nutrition choices
Natural rations are preferred. Ocicats are known for their healthy appetite.
Selection and breeding
Allowed crossings: none
Breeds relative to or derived from Ocicat: none
Alternative and obsolete breed names
Oci Cat.