- Shortcut:
- Group:
- Semi longhair
- Сategory:
- Primary
- Origin:
- Russia
The origin of the breed
Through the years of its history, the URCFO“Gratsia” has developed this natural russian breed into a fancier-level feline, thanks to a purposeful work of the club’s enthusiasts and breeders. Despite of being one of russian natural felines it is not as widely spread and popular as the Siberian. The curly felines from the Ural villages were known ever since the 30-40s. Most probably, they have appeared in pet cat litters due to a spontaneous mutation, and eventually became so few during the WWII they were considered to be lost forever. There were some reading regarding similar looking felines in 60-s, however, no breed development could take place back then.
The 1988 may be considered a turning point in the breed’s history, a year when Mrs Podurovskaya has reported a rex kitten Vasiliy in a homecat litter. His curliness has almost faded by puberty, but has gained ground later on by adultery. Vasiliy was backtracked and the resulting Murka and Bars became the basis for the breed’s genetic diversity. All of the modern Ural Rexes are actual descendants from the abovementioned felines. The breed’s curliness gene differs from the one of cornish rexes, and thus it is named after the place of its origin.
These felines were first described in 1991 by Olga Mironova, the wip-version standard was acclaimed by SFF and RFA in 1994. WCF was the first international system to acclaim the breed in 2006, most other organisations have not yet given their credit of approval to the breed. This breed is quite rare yet, being only moderately popular in Russia and Germany.Appearance
Ural rex gives an impression of a well-built average-sized feline with medium-length curly coat, differing from the one of german rex. This breed is affected by sexual dimorphism, males are noticeably heftier and heavier than females.
Head: Shaped as a shorter, rounder wedge, proportional to the body. The forehead is rounded, profile is defined by an well visible hose transition, with a rather abrupt stop on lower eyelid level. The nose bridge is wide and flat, jawline is prominent, pinch is visible. The muzzle is wide and round, whisker pads may have
Eyes: Wide set, almond shaped, bright, clear, and very wide open with round lower and straight upper eyelid. Any eye colour is permitted.
Ears: Wide set, almond shaped, bright, clear, and very wide open with round lower and straight upper eyelid. Any eye colour is permitted.
Body: Average in size, muscular and dense, yet still elegant. Torso and ribcage are noticeably rounded and well developed.
Legs: Thick and strong, proportional to the body.
Paws: Round and neat.
Tail: Is in proportion with the body, average in length, not particularly broad at base and yet tapering to a rounded tip.
Coat: Semilong, less curly than its shorthair variant, yet with a more prominent mane. Tail hair is quite long, longest strands tend to be the whitest.
Colours: All colours are accepted, except the chocolate, cinnamon and similar weak colours, which are unaccepted in any patterns and combinations, also the burmese and ticked tabby coats. Any amount of white is allowed.
Flaws: Long and narrow head; extremely big or small, disproportional ears; extremely straight profile; round eyes; too hulky or lithe build.
Disqualification on shows: Thin or not curling coat.
Universal disqualification: Amputated claws, cryptorchism, deafness.
Character traits and features
Ural Rex is known for its unnaturally sweet temper. They are extremely playful and tender, trusting if not naive, they are also nice to any other pets and family members. Being rather patient they are never aggressive be it home or cat show. They are quite ragged and don’t need much, except for human attention however. It is generally silent and it’s hunting instincts are acute. Ural felines are always great mothers for their litter, which usually consists of 2-4 kittens.Maintenance and care
Ural Rex is easy to look after, all you have to do is to brush them carefully with a special brush, during the molt season trimming may be useful. A weakened or ill Rex may lose it’s hair gradually, however, being a natural breed they are quite healthy.
Nutrition choices
Ural Rex have a great appetite yet do not overeat and suffer from obesity. A diet of organic and natural products would be welcome
Selection and breeding
Allowed crossings: none
Breeds relative to or derived from Ural Shorthair: none