*WCF – Show licensing management - Russia


Gomel – Belarus


Date: September 21,22 2019

Novosibirsk, 2019-09-15 issue-2

Novosibirsk, 2019-08-13 issue-1

1st application: 2019-08-08

License L# 191235- EUROPE CONTINENT SHOW- EUR-030

C16930, C16931

to: Mister KOT

Att.: Mrs Olga Rohachyova-Kuzako

Dear President(s),

This license is to give you the right to hold the show listed below once it is licensed under WCF Show Rules

and regulations.

No other rings, for whatever purpose, are allowed in WCF shows, only WCF-rings.

See approved rules for that purpose.

Responsible Club: Mister KOT (BY-0250)


Special Breed Shows: British, Scottish, Maine Coon, Siberian


Mrs. Vera Cherniak, Russia (AB, WCF)

Mrs. Olga Rohachyova-Kuzako, Belarus (AB, WCF)

Mr. Vitaly Kuzako, Belarus (SLH, SH, SIA/ORI, WCF)


It is not allowed to add any judge, not listed in this license, and no other judge, for whatever purpose, is

allowed to judge on this exhibition. Monobreed rings are generally not permitted, any wins will not be recognized.

The only rings, which you are permitted to perform, are the 4 WCF-rings as defined in the Show Rules.

All other rings need the permission of the office.

You may organize special breed shows (at least 10 cats).These special breed shows are not permitted to be

called "ring" or to be performed as ring.

You can make a separate Best in Show for specific breeds, which must be made according to the rules

for the BIS.

The winners of the BIS for the 5 categories and the winners of the BIS of special breed shows are allowed to

participate in the Best of Best. A cat can only participate in one BIS per show.

Please remember to place on stage a large WCF symbol and print this license on one of the first pages

of the show catalogue.

ALL EXHIBITIONS MUST BE LICENSED BY WCF and only exhibitions with licenses printed in the show

catalogues prove they are really licensed and valid for WCF awards.

Each show catalogue must include a page for the WCF, including the names and addresses of the actual


In all World and International Shows with foreign judges or exhibitors, all announcements and

cat calls during the show and Best in Show ceremonies, MUST BE made also in English, not only in the

native language of the country.

In WCF exhibitions cats may not be judged more than once per day (except shows with double judgement)

even in combined exhibitions with two or more WCF-clubs.

An electronically copy of the show catalogue, of all protocols including the respective results must be sent to

the Chairman of the Show commission to the mail address show.results@wcf-online.de, latest 10 days after

the date of exhibition.

The club will face disciplinary actions, and at least a fine of Euro 200.- will apply if the club does not

comply with these resolutions.

In addition, we want to remind you of the following important points:

International shows can only be recognized, if an amount of minimum 80 cats are registered in the catalogue

on each showday. A change of the place or the date requires new license numbers.

All changes have to be sent as soon as possible. Otherwise, there can be no guarantee that the updated

license will be granted on time.

If you have to cancel the exhibition it is necessary to inform the license managerbeforethe planned date.

This license will become invalid with suspension or expulsion of the requesting club. Likewise, it loses its

validity for non prolongation of patronage. There is no claim for reimbursement of the license fees.

All WCF clubs are welcome to participate in the WCF Best Cat. .

All questions about participating please send to support@wcfbestcat.com

We from the Board wish you all the best for this upcoming show.

Best regards

WCF show licensing management

Marina Khodusova

According to § 28 and § 29 BDSG (Federal Data Protection Act) passing on of all WCF exhibition data including show

results to third parties for NON-WCF purposes is prohibited.

*WCF is a registered trademark of World Cat Federation. Its use by non-members will result in prosecution.

The Board

The Board of WCF consists of the president, the secretary general and the treasurer.
The Extended Board consists of the two vice-presidents. The WCF has various Commissions.

Executive committee: The Board

Anneliese Hackmann

Geisbergstr. 2
D-45139 Essen

phone: +49-(0)-201-555 724
fax: +49-(0)-201-552 747
email: wcf@wcf-online.de

Secretary General
Tatjana Cernova

Hapsalas 15-31
LV-1005 Riga

mobile: +371-291 234 30
email: wcf.secretarygeneral@inbox.lv


(Appointed by the Board)
Alexandru Elian

013753 Bukarest
phone: +40-744-60 60 57

email: treasurer@wcf-online.de

Extended Board

1st Vice-president

Anna Rudakova

ul. Moskovskaya, 13a
440031 Penza

phone: +7 8412 66 0130

mobile: +7 902 352 7153
email: 1.vice-president@wcf-online.de

2nd Vice-president
(Appointed by the Board)
Dr. Johan H. Lamprecht
7550 Durbanville
South Africa

phone: +27-21-976 99 65


Assistant to the Secretary General
Pavel Rudov
Languages: EN, RU
email: solitomagis@gmail.com

Chair persons of the Commissions

Disciplinary commission

Aleksander Cierpisz

PL-52-204 Wroclaw

phone: +48-664-80 35 03

email: wcf.disciplinary.commission@gmail.com

Show commission
Aija Nuke
(Appointed by the Board)
Neretas 2-29
LV-1004 Riga

phone: +371-2-940 74 04
email: aija.nuke@inbox.lv

Standard and Judges commission
Yanina Melnikova
(Appointed by the Board)
14 Masherova Avenue, Apt.52
220005 Minsk
phone: +375-172-88 69 36
mobile::+375-296-286 936

Licenses for exhibitions

Licenses for exhibitions
in Russia - European part and Belarus
Marina Khodusova

Novosibirsk / Russia

mobile: +7-913-954 18 12
email: wcf.show.license@gmail.com

Licenses for exhibitions
in all other countries
Gisela Danisch
email: wcf@gmx-topmail.de

Licenses for exhibitions
in Russia - Asian part, Kazakhstan,
Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia

Tatiana Karikh
Sochi / Russia

email: show.requests4@wcf-online.de

Other adresses

Cattery registrations
Doris Reiter
WCF Office Essen/Germany
Email: wcfgermany@aol.com

Certified pedigrees
Email: pedigrees@wcf-online.de

Jointshows with Non-WCC organizations
Tatjana Cernova
Email: mrscernova@inbox.lv

Permissions, website and other matters

WCF Office Essen/Germany
Email: wcfev@aol.com

Cornelia Hungerecker
Email: wcf.seminars@gmx.de

Show results
Email: show.results@wcf-online.de

Marion Meister
Email: wcf.worldshow@aol.com

General questions about:
club accounts, incoming payments, hologram stickers, license numbers, published website content, WCH certificates

Gisela Danisch
Email: wcf@gmx-topmail.de


Tanja Krause
D-45139 Essen

Email: wcf@wcf-online.de

Nicole Schäfer
D-45136 Essen




On September, 21, Saturday

9.00-10.30 registration of participants, veterinary control

11:00 - opening of an exhibition

11.30-18.30 - examination, WCF rings, breed and fun- shows

17.00.00-18.00 Best in Show

On September, 22, Sunday

9.00-10.30 registration of participants, veterinary control

11:00 - opening of an exhibition

11.30-17.30 - examination, WCF rings, breed and fun- shows

17.00- 18.00 Best in Show


Mrs. Vera Cherniak, Russia (AB, WCF)

Mrs. Tatiana Tarasenko, Belarus (AB, WCF)

Mrs. Olga Rohachyova-Kuzako, Belarus (AB, WCF)

Mrs. Elena Mundre, Russia Lithuania(AB, WCF)

Mr. Vitaly Kuzako, Belarus (SLH, SH, SIA/ORI, WCF)

Mrs. Inga Balchiuniene, Lithuania (AB, WCF)

Show committee:

Rohachyova-Kuzako Olga , Kuzako Vitaly , Bereznyakov Andrey , Yastremskaya Olga, Syroyezhkina Olga

The chairman is Rohachyova-Kuzako Olga

The responsible secretary – Yastremskaya Olga

The administrator is Bereznyakov Andrew

Rules of holding exhibitions

 on an exhibition the animals having visual symptoms of a disease or the general weak state aren't allowed. The final decision in each case is made by the veterinarian;

 at detection at a cat of a disease, from an exhibition all animals of this owner leave; the exponent contribution doesn't come back;

 the participant can leave an exhibition ahead of schedule before her termination only with the written permission of a vystavkom;

 the owner who has said the animal on an exhibition, but not exposed him for any reasons has no right to demand return of an exponentsky contribution;

 access for public to a table of the expert is forbidden, owners of animals aren't allowed in judicial, except for specially stipulated cases,

 upon the demand of the expert to him the document on origin of an animal is submitted;

 the animals who are absent at the time of a call don't pass the examination

 aggressive animals don't pass the examination: the animal who can't be examined and felt on a table of the expert is considered aggressive. In case of the owner's disagreement with the awarded assessment he can appeal to the secretariat about repeated examination only in case of a technical mistake (the class, a floor, a color is incorrectly specified). The expert's assessment isn't subject to the appeal;

 the owner can make necessary changes (an exhibition class, etc.) only prior to examination.

 The owners who have left an exhibition before her termination without written permission of a vystavkom lose diplomas and estimated sheets




21 сентября , суббота

9.00-10.30 регистрация участников, ветеринарный контроль

11.300 открытие выставки

11.30-18.30 экспертиза, WCF-ринги , монопородные шоу

17.00-18.00 Best in Show

22 сентября , воскресенье

9.00-10.30 регистрация участников, ветеринарный контроль

11.300 открытие выставки

11.30-18.30 экспертиза, WCF-ринги , монопородные шоу

17.00-18.0 Best in Show


Mrs. Vera Cherniak, Russia (AB, WCF)

Mrs. Nadezhda Pilatova, Belarus (AB, WCF)

Mrs. Olga Rohachyova-Kuzako, Belarus (AB, WCF)

Mrs. Tatyana Esina, Russia (AB, WCF)

Mr. Vitaly Kuzako, Belarus (SLH, SH, SIA/ORI, WCF)

Mrs. Olga Rohachyova-Kuzako, Belarus (AB, WCF)

Выставочный комитет :

Рогачева-Кузако Ольга Кузако Виталий Березняков Андрей Ястремская Ольга Сыроежкина Ольга

Председатель – Рогачева-Кузако Ольга

Ответственный секретарь – Ястремская Ольга

Администратор – Березняков Андрей

Правила проведения выставок

Longhair group

Highland Fold

SFL a 02 21 15. Show class junior (CACJ/CACJ)
blue tabbу harlequin Omelia Marvet Female
1 born 20.03.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: WCF Master, Pearl Master O*Kay Yudjin Marycat (SFL 71 n 03 24)
Dam: Kindlycats Joconde (SFL f 02 21)
SFL hs 02 13. Show class open (CAC/CAC)
chocolate tortie smoke harlequin Kindlycats Julietta Female
2 born 10.11.2018
Microchip: -
Sire: Kindlycat's Poison (SFL 71 ds 02 21 61)
Dam: Kindlycats Reichel (SFL c 03)
SFL n 03 22 15. Show class junior (CACJ/CACJ)
black blotched bicolour Oskar Marvet Male
3 born 20.03.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: WCF Master, Pearl Master O*Kay Yudjin Marycat (SFL 71 n 03 24)
Dam: Kindlycats Joconde (SFL f 02 21)

Scottish Straight Longhair

SFL 71 a 02 24 15. Show class junior (CACJ/CACJ)
blue spotted harlequin Oliver Marvet Neuter
4 born 20.03.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: -
Dam: -
SFL 71 by 01 25 61 10. Show class international premior (CAGPIB/CAPE)
chocolate golden ticked van w/blue eyes Davidoff's*UA Zimerman Neuter
5 born 02.10.2017
Microchip: -
Sire: Goldmine Focus (SFS 71 ny 03 25)
Dam: Tender Best Tsoya (SFS f 03 25)
SFL 71 e 03 15b. Show class junior-neuter (CAPJ/CAPJ)
cream bicolour Ostin Marvet Neuter
6 born 20.03.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: -
Dam: -
SFL 71 f 03 24 16. Show class kitten (CACP/CACP)
black tortie spotted bicolour Pandora Marvet Female
7 born 25.04.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: WCF Master, Pearl Master O*Kay Yudjin Marycat (SFL 71 n 03 24)
SFL 71 n 03 24 1. Show class world champion (PH/PH)
black spotted bicolour WCF Master, Pearl Master O*Kay Yudjin Marycat Male
8 born 12.08.2017
Microchip: -
Sire: WCF Pearl Master Kindlycat's Kenzo (SFL 71 d 02 21)
Dam: Glamisway OK'Senia (SFL g 22)

Selkirk Rex Longhair

SRL ds 02 11 16. Show class kitten (CACP/CACP)
red silver shaded harlequin Bel WonderLand's*BY Abutilon Male
9 born 28.04.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: WCF Ch. Daviway Hulk Hogan Of Elly-Style (BRI ns 11)
Dam: Bel WonderLand's*BY Rosyanka (SRL j 03)
SRL ns 03 11 16. Show class kitten (CACP/CACP)
black silver shaded bicolour Bel WonderLand's*BY Aukuba Female
10 born 28.04.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: WCF Ch. Daviway Hulk Hogan Of Elly-Style (BRI ns 11)
Dam: Bel WonderLand's*BY Rosyanka (SRL j 03)

Semi longhair group

Kurilian Bobtail Longhair

KBL d 03 22 9. Show class international champion (CAGCIB/CAGCIB)
red blotched bicolour Sunlight Happy Hunter*BY Male
11 born 01.12.2017
Microchip: -
Sire: Conor BobStyle (KBL ns 03)
Dam: Mafian King's S'Mafiya (KBL f 22)
KBL n 03 23 11. Show class champion (CACIB/CACIB)
black mackerel bicolour Maya Grand Pompon* RU Female
12 born 01.06.2018
Microchip: -
Sire: Bob-Mignon Ludwig (KBL n 03 22)
Dam: Guslya Grand-Pompon*RU (KBL f 23)

Maine Coon

MCO a 03 13. Show class open (CAC/CAC)
blue bicolour Opatija Benedictus cattus Female
13 born 08.06.2017
Microchip: -
Sire: Prince MK (MCO a 09 24)
Dam: Diva Benedictus Cattus (MCO g 09)
MCO d 15b. Show class junior-neuter (CAPJ/CAPJ)
red WCF Int.Pr. Thunder CoolShade Neuter
14 born 12.12.2018
Microchip: -
Dam: WCF W.Ch. Qamilasha Santa CoolShade (MCO d 24)
MCO d 09 24 13. Show class open (CAC/CAC)
red spotted w/white Krasoten Neptun Male
15 born 10.07.2018
Microchip: -
Sire: EPIC FAIL USMAN (MCO ns 03 22)
Dam: Alfa Kind Giant*BY (MCO d 03)
MCO ds 09 25 15. Show class junior (CACJ/CACJ)
red silver ticked w/white Deus Benedictus cattus Male
16 born 01.01.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: WCF Pearl Master Hatiko Milagro Norte (MCO ds 25)
MCO f 03 22 13. Show class open (CAC/CACIB)
black tortie blotched bicolour Yasmina Benedictus cattus Female
17 born 05.05.2018
Microchip: -
Sire: Gabriel MK (MCO n 24)
Dam: Jess Benedictus cattus (MCO fs 03 22)
MCO fs 16. Show class kitten (CACP/CACP)
black tortie smoke Geisha Benedictus cattus Female
18 born 25.04.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: WCF Pearl Master Hatiko Milagro Norte (MCO ds 25)
MCO fs 03 22 13. Show class open (CAC/CAC)
black tortie silver bloched bicolour Jess Benedictus cattus Female
19 born 15.11.2016
Microchip: -
Sire: Vikes Nika Beauty (MCO n 22)
Dam: Ms. Zlata Milacoon (MCO fs 09)
MCO fs 03 15. Show class junior (CACJ/CACJ)
black tortie smoke bicolour Fantasy Benedictus Cattus Female
20 born 05.03.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: WCF Pearl Master Hatiko Milagro Norte (MCO ds 25)
Dam: Sally Benedictus cattus (MCO f 09 22)
MCO g 13. Show class open (CAC/CACIB)
blue tortie (blue cream) Hobbi Nika Beauty Female
21 born 06.02.2018
Microchip: -
Sire: Chance Nika Beauty (POL 93 e 03 24)
Dam: Nataly Stars Coon Pixi (MCO a)
MCO n 03 15b. Show class junior-neuter (CAPJ/CAPJ)
black bicolour Cephea Benedictus Cattus Spay
22 born 15.12.2018
Microchip: -
Sire: Baron Lavansaari (MCO ns 22)
Dam: WCF Ch. Flower Benedictus Cattus (MCO n 03)
MCO n 03 22 14. Show class neuter (CAP/CAP)
black blotched bicolour Afera Benedictus cattus Spay
23 born 02.11.2018
Microchip: -
Sire: WCF Ch. Marcus Benedictus Cattus (MCO n 03 22)
Dam: WCF Ch. Jools Benedictus Sattus (MCO fs 09 22)
MCO n 03 22 14. Show class neuter (CAP/CAP)
black blotched bicolour Zabava Benedictus cattus Spay
24 born 09.08.2018
Microchip: -
Sire: Baron Lavansaari (MCO ns 22)
Dam: Nora Benedictus Cattus (MCO n 03)
MCO n 22 16. Show class kitten (CACP/CACP)
black blotched Fanter Liger Cat Male
25 born 22.04.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: Kirill of Lionsgate (MCO d)
Dam: Brenda Song Liger Cat (MCO f 22)
MCO ns 22 13. Show class open (CAC/CAC)
black silver blotched Antim Benedictus cattus Male
26 born 02.11.2018
Microchip: -
Sire: WCF Ch. Marcus Benedictus Cattus (MCO n 03 22)
Dam: WCF Ch. Jools Benedictus Sattus (MCO fs 09 22)

Munchkin Longhair

MNL a 02 1. Show class world champion (PH/PH)
blue harlequin WCF W.Ch. WCF Master Shikoninel Argentum Male
27 born 20.06.2016
Microchip: -
Sire: Iberis Oll Rait (MNL d 02 22)
Dam: Yo Kito of Shikoninel (MNL h 02 32)
MNL w 62 16. Show class kitten (CACP/CACP)
white w/orange eyes Davidoff's*UA Romashka Female
28 born 09.05.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: WCF W.Ch. WCF Master Shikoninel Argentum (MNL a 02)
Dam: Littlegreatones Thumbelina (MNL w 61)


RAG d 03 33 13. Show class open (CAC/CAC)
red point/white Ramses La Mia Fortuna Male
29 born 08.05.2018
Microchip: -
Dam: Megi Ragdollpamei*PL (RAG g 04 33 (rag))
RAG n 03 13. Show class open (CAC/CAC)
black bicolour Renat La Mia Fortuna Male
30 born 08.05.2018
Microchip: -
Dam: Megi Ragdollpamei*PL (RAG g 04 33 (rag))


SIB d 03 24 2. Show class world premior (PH (Alter)/PH (Alter))
red spotted bicolour WCF W.Pr. WCF Pearl, Triple Master Elisey Verooka Neuter
31 born 11.11.2014
Microchip: 643090000009598
Sire: Cardam Sibirela (SIB n 03 24)
Dam: Mittelmeijer Taptalana Verooka (SIB d 22)
SIB n 09 24 16. Show class kitten (CACP/CACP)
black spotted w/white Verooka Zhelana Mur Amur Female
32 born 07.04.2019
Microchip: 112060000040706
Sire: Komandor Sibaris*RU (SIB ny 24)
Dam: Izmira Verooka (SIB g 03 22)

Shorthair group


ABY n (aby) 13. Show class open (CAC/CAC)
ruddy (abyssinian) Juliacats Cantafe Female
33 born 11.08.2013
Microchip: -
Sire: Patrick Aby Sharm (ABY n (aby))
Dam: Niagara Jeffrey (ABY n (aby))
ABY n (aby) 13. Show class open (CAC/CAC)
ruddy (abyssinian) Juliacats Beatriche Kitty Female
34 born 10.04.2013
Microchip: -
Sire: Patrick Aby Sharm (ABY n (aby))
Dam: Juliacats Calomonna (ABY n (aby))


BEN n 24 7. Show class grand international champion (CACE/CACE)
black spotted WCF Eur.Ch. Serious Jamaica Female
35 born 10.10.2018
Microchip: 643093905001697
Sire: WCF Gr.Int.Ch. Diamond Old Race of Serious (BEN n 24)
Dam: Serious Pandora (BEN n 24)
BEN n 24 13. Show class open (CAC/CAC)
black spotted Shinysilk Gerda Female
36 born 23.09.2017
Microchip: -
Sire: -
Dam: -
BEN n 24 13. Show class open (CAC/CAC)
black spotted Amazongold Bosco Male
37 born 11.12.2012
Microchip: -
Sire: -
Dam: -

British Shorthair

BRI a 1. Show class world champion (PH/PH)
blue WCF W.Ch. WCF Double Master Edison Snow Legion Male
38 born 19.01.2017
Microchip: 900057600000562
Sire: WCF W.Ch. Ablikats Franklin Heart (BRI a)
Dam: WCF Int.Ch. Keystone Vanilla (BRI g)
BRI a 7. Show class grand international champion (CACE/CACE)
blue Patrik Notve Espoir Male
39 born 25.07.2017
Microchip: -
Sire: Epifan Tin Arden*Ru (BRI a)
Dam: Y'Elizabeth Mk (BRI a)
BRI a 13. Show class open (CAC/CAC)
blue Zemfira Bentley Mur*BY Female
40 born 24.04.2013
Microchip: -
Sire: Robin British Symphony (BRI a)
Dam: Cassiopeia Bentley Mur*BY (BRI a)
BRI a 16. Show class kitten (CACP/CACP)
blue Fortuna Kupido Female
41 born 13.04.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: WCF W.Ch. WCF Double Master Edison Snow Legion (BRI a)
Dam: Ula Loving Soul (BRI a)
BRI c 15. Show class junior (CACJ/CACJ)
lilac Casablanka Kupido Female
42 born 25.12.2018
Microchip: -
Sire: WCF W.Ch. WCF Double Master Edison Snow Legion (BRI a)
Dam: WCF W.Ch. Swelldom's Zella (BRI n)
BRI e 16. Show class kitten (CACP/CACP)
cream Joli Pli Elisha Male
43 born 07.07.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: Macho Bentley Mur*BY (BRI w 62)
Dam: Faya Bentley Mur*BY (BRI j)
BRI j 13. Show class open (CAC/CAC)
lilac tortie Faya Bentley Mur*BY Female
44 born 11.01.2018
Microchip: -
Sire: Oskar Bentley Mur*BY (BRI a)
Dam: Iriska Bentley Mur*BY (BRI j)
BRI n 15. Show class junior (CACJ/CACJ)
black WCF W.Ch. Ching-gis Khan Kupido Male
45 born 25.12.2018
Microchip: -
Sire: WCF W.Ch. WCF Double Master Edison Snow Legion (BRI a)
Dam: WCF W.Ch. Swelldom's Zella (BRI n)
BRI w 62 16. Show class kitten (CACP/CACP)
white w/orange eyes Joli Pli Elisa Female
46 born 07.07.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: Macho Bentley Mur*BY (BRI w 62)
Dam: Faya Bentley Mur*BY (BRI j)
BRI w 62 16. Show class kitten (CACP/CACP)
white w/orange eyes WCF K.Ch. Joli Pli Eklerka Female
47 born 07.07.2019
Microchip: 112060000040442BLR
Sire: Macho Bentley Mur*BY (BRI w 62)
Dam: Faya Bentley Mur*BY (BRI j)
BRI w 63 16. Show class kitten (CACP/CACP)
white w/odd eyes Joli Pli Estel Female
48 born 07.07.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: Macho Bentley Mur*BY (BRI w 62)
Dam: Faya Bentley Mur*BY (BRI j)


BUR c (bur) 13. Show class open (CAC/CAC)
platinum (burmese) Sharmalen Rebecca Female
49 born 18.11.2018
Microchip: 112069810021044
Sire: KZ*Burmorion's Miras (BUR n (bur))
Dam: LV* Malsan Atti La Reina (BUR n (bur))
BUR n (bur) 13. Show class open (CAC/CAC)
sable (burmese) Sharmalen Sherif Male
50 born 18.11.2018
Microchip: 112069810023092
Sire: WCF Eur.Ch. Sharmalen Harley (BUR n (bur))
Dam: Burmgrace Quentina (BUR n (bur))
BUR n (bur) 16b. Show class kitten-neuter (CAPP/CAPP)
sable (burmese) Sharmalen Harnas Neuter
51 born 28.05.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: WCF Eur.Ch. Sharmalen Harley (BUR n (bur))
Dam: BurmGrace Olli (BUR n (bur))
BUR n (bur) 16. Show class kitten (CACP/CACP)
sable (burmese) Sharmalen Urmas Male
52 born 11.05.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: WCF Eur.Ch. Sharmalen Harley (BUR n (bur))
Dam: LV* Malsan Atti La Reina (BUR n (bur))

Cornish Rex

CRX d 02 33 11. Show class champion (CACIB/CACIB)
red point harlequin WCF Ch. Berry Mary&Max Female
53 born 15.04.2018
Microchip: -
Sire: Meyer A Deo Rex Cutie Coil*BY (CRX d 02)
Dam: WCF Int.Ch. Loky Mayers Beauty (CRX w 61)
CRX n 03 11. Show class champion (CACIB/CACIB)
black bicolour Bentley Kalanta Solo*RU Male
54 born 28.05.2018
Microchip: -
Sire: Nord Wind Kalanta Solo (CRX n 03)
Dam: Kassidy Neytirus*RU (CRX n 03)
CRX n 03 16. Show class kitten (CACP/CACP)
black bicolour Feya Mary&Max Female
55 born 01.06.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: Bentley Kalanta Solo*RU (CRX n 03)
Dam: WCF Int.Ch. Loky Mayers Beauty (CRX w 61)
CRX w 61 9. Show class international champion (CAGCIB/CAGCIB)
white /blue eyes WCF Int.Ch. Loky Mayers Beauty Female
56 born 04.01.2017
Microchip: -
Sire: Dotyk Shovku'S Merlin (CRX w 63)
Dam: Dotyk Shovku's Lucia (CRX d 02 33)

Devon Rex

DRX b 03 21 33 13. Show class open (CAC/CAC)
chocolate point tabby w/white Neveya Santa Leya Style Female
57 born 05.08.2018
Microchip: -
Dam: Mio Tike Origato (DRX o)
DRX g 13. Show class open (CAC/CAC)
blue tortie (blue cream) WCF Ch. Wilma Funny Elf Female
58 born 07.11.2018
Microchip: -
Sire: Baron Funny Elf (DRX b 21 33)
Dam: Laina Edelveiss (DRX d 24)
DRX h 03 24 13. Show class open (CAC/CAC)
chocolate tortie spotted bicolour Bel WonderLand's*BY Butterfly Female
59 born 01.05.2018
Microchip: -
Sire: Jabulani Indi (DRX d)
Dam: Bel WonderLand's*BY Naomi (DRX n 03 21 32)
DRX n 02 13. Show class open (CAC/CAC)
black harlequin TIFFANY AMORE MIO*BY Female
60 born 15.07.2018
Microchip: -
Sire: Twin Star Nazary (DRX b 02)
Dam: -
DRX ns 24 13. Show class open (CAC/CACIB)
black silver spotted Wonderland's Rihanna Female
61 born 01.01.2017
Microchip: -
Sire: -
Dam: -

Kurilian Bobtail Shorthair

KBS f 09 22 9. Show class international champion (CAGCIB/CAGCIB)
black tortie blotched w/white Dolche Sherhan*BY Spay
62 born 21.10.2015
Microchip: -
Sire: Sherhan (KBS n 23)
Dam: Hona (KBS d 09 24)

Munchkin Shorthair

MNS n 03 32 13. Show class open (CAC/CACIB)
black mink bicolour WCF Eur.Ch. Angels Kiss Businka Male
63 born 23.10.2018
Microchip: -
Sire: Angelskiss Artur (MNS n 03)
Dam: Angelskiss Yasina (MNS n)

Russian Blue

RUS a 13. Show class open (CAC/CACIB)
blue Praleska Kvetka Aksany Female
64 born 04.09.2018
Microchip: -
Sire: X-Lavr Hareza (RUS a)
Dam: Lota Z Rada Hareza (RUS a)
RUS a 13. Show class open (CAC/CACIB)
blue Pervocvet Kvetka Aksany Male
65 born 04.09.2018
Microchip: -
Sire: X-Lavr Hareza (RUS a)
Dam: Lota Z Rada Hareza (RUS a)

Scottish Fold Shorthair

SFS n 22 5. Show class european (continental) champion (CAGCE/CACM)
black blotched WCF Gr.Int.Ch. Tender Pride Amulet Male
66 born 05.06.2016
Microchip: -
Sire: Klim Alex&Archibald (SFS 71 n 25)
Dam: Sheril Golden Eyes (SFS n 24)
SFS ns 11 15. Show class junior (CACJ/CACJ)
black silver shaded Magic Sapphire Aylin Female
67 born 30.01.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: Arthur Envoys Bast (SFS ny 11)
Dam: Zara Laurum (SFS 71 ns 11)
SFS ny 11 11. Show class champion (CACIB/CACIB)
black golden shaded Arthur Envoys Bast Male
68 born 07.11.2017
Microchip: -
Sire: WCF Ch. Kayros Pride Queenly (SFS 71 ny 25)
Dam: Enigma MK (SFS ns 11)
SFS ny 11 15. Show class junior (CACJ/CACJ)
black golden shaded Melody Star's Ingrid Female
69 born 18.03.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: WCF Ch. Xenon Ultraline (SFS ny 25)
Dam: Frisstyle Panda (SFS 71 ny 11 33)
SFS ny 24 15. Show class junior (CACJ/CACJ)
black golden spotted Magic Sapphire Alise Female
70 born 30.01.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: Arthur Envoys Bast (SFS ny 11)
Dam: Zara Laurum (SFS 71 ns 11)

Scottish Straight Shorthair

SFS 71 n 14. Show class neuter (CAP/CAP)
black Bel WonderLand's*BY Black Tulip Neuter
71 born 10.08.2018
Microchip: 999111000035622
Sire: Svetazar's Ostin Powers (SFS ds 11 33)
Dam: Wonderlands Qiara (SFS 71 f 24)
SFS 71 ns 11 13. Show class open (CAC/CAGCIB)
black silver shaded Anny-Mur Graciella Female
72 born 25.06.2018
Microchip: -
Sire: Caesar (SFL 71 ns 11)
Dam: Klara Livelycat (SFS ns 11 33)

Hairless group

Don Sphynx

DSX f 15. Show class junior (CACJ/CACJ)
black tortie Rogneda Hanna Female
73 born 16.03.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: -
Dam: -
DSX n 03 9. Show class international champion (CAGCIB/CACE)
black bicolour WCF Pearl, Double Master Rogneda Carmen Female
74 born 05.02.2018
Microchip: -
Sire: Star Tesh Rustam (DSX n)
Dam: Lelia Iz Westerosa (DSX n 02 21)
DSX f 03 33 15. Show class junior (CACJ/CACJ)
seal tortie point w/white Rogneda Honda Female
75 born 16.03.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: -
Dam: -


SPH d 03 32 16b. Show class kitten-neuter (CAPP/CAPP)
red mink bicolour Idalgo Dymon Style Neuter
76 born 26.03.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: -
Dam: -
SPH d 03 32 13. Show class open (CAC/CAC)
red mink bicolour WCF Int.Ch. Verbena*BY Hypnotic Red Male
77 born 17.11.2018
Microchip: -
Sire: WCF Gr.Int.Ch. Timati Favorit Bummer (SPH a 03 32)
Dam: WCF W.Ch. Arabella of Cardinal Moore (SPH f 32)
SPH e 03 9. Show class international champion (CAGCIB/CAGCIB)
cream bicolour Liumar Pokemon Male
78 born 06.03.2018
Microchip: -
Sire: Liumar Grey (SPH n 03)
Dam: Liumar Julietta (SPH d 03)
SPH g 13. Show class open (CAC/CAC)
blue tortie (blue cream) WCF Ch. Xarmax Dinara Female
79 born 20.08.2018
Microchip: -
Sire: Amon-Ra Lexus (SPH w 61)
Dam: Xarmax Mousy (SPH a)
SPH n 03 16. Show class kitten (CACP/CACP)
black bicolour WCF J.Ch. Verbena*BY Jolie Female
80 born 22.04.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: WCF Gr.Int.Ch. SphynxAntiquus Nautilus (SPH n 03 21)

Ukrainian Levkoy

ULV a 02 23. Show class breeds in the process of recognition (BR/BR)
blue harlequin Larson Talisman Agata Male
81 born 05.01.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: Bozhik Mister Levkoi (ULV 71 d 03)
Dam: Airiana (ULV a 03)

Shorthair group

Scottish Straight Shorthair

SFS 71 a 16. Show class kitten (CACP/CACP)
blue Camilla Female
82 born 02.05.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: -
Dam: -
SFS 71 c 16. Show class kitten (CACP/CACP)
lilac Carmen Female
83 born 02.05.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: -
Dam: -
SFS 71 c 22 16. Show class kitten (CACP/CACP)
lilac blotched Betty Female
84 born 14.04.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: -
Dam: -
SFS 71 a 22 16. Show class kitten (CACP/CACP)
blue blotched Baxter Male
85 born 14.04.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: -
Dam: -
SFS 71 n 24 16. Show class kitten (CACP/CACP)
black spotted Bernard Male
86 born 14.04.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: -
Dam: -

Longhair group

Highland Fold

SFL ns 22 16. Show class kitten (CACP/CACP)
black silver blotched Bastet Female
87 born 14.04.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: -
Dam: -

Scottish Straight Longhair

SFL 71 20. Show class litter (Litter/Litter)
color determination Pomet P Litter
88 born 25.04.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: -
Dam: -

Shorthair group

British Shorthair

BRI b 22 11. Show class champion (CACIB/CACIB)
chocolate blotched Ajki Male
89 born 16.02.2017
Microchip: -
Sire: Laertes Panie Niasvizu (BRI b 22)
Dam: Rashel' (BRI b 22)