*WCF – Show licensing management - Russia


Pskov - Russia


Date: March 30, 31 2019

Novosibirsk, 2018-12-05 issue-1

1st application: 2018-11-29

License L# 191117- EUROPE CONTINENT SHOW- ER-050

C15974, C15975

to: PRO CLC Pleskava

Att.: Mrs. Lyubov Dorokhova

Dear President(s),

This license is to give you the right to hold the show listed below once it is licensed under WCF Show Rules

and regulations.

No other rings, for whatever purpose, are allowed in WCF shows, only WCF-rings.

See approved rules for that purpose.

Responsible Club: PRO CLC Pleskava (RU-0264)


Special Breed Shows: British SH/ LH, Scottish fold/straight, Highland fold/straight, Maine Coon

"Fun" Shows: rare breeds, Forest show, Russian Breed cats,Male,Female,SH/SOSH, LH/SLH, All Rex, all Sphynx,Tabby, Solid,Silver and gold colors show,East show,Bicolour-Cats,Tortie show.


Mrs. Irina Matyushina, Russia (AB, WCF)

Mrs. Olga Sinitsa, Russia (AB, Guest WCF)

Mrs. Anita Medvedeva, Russia (SH,SIA/ORI, WCF)


It is not allowed to add any judge, not listed in this license, and no other judge, for whatever purpose,

is allowed to judge on this exhibition.

Monobreed rings are generally not permitted, any wins will not be recognized.

You may organize special breed shows (at least 15 cats). These special breed shows are not permitted to be

called "ring" or to be performed as ring.

The only rings, which you are permitted to perform, are the 3 WCF-rings as defined in the Show Rules.

All other rings need the permission of the office.

You can make a separate Best in Show for specific breeds, which must be made according to the rules

for the BIS.

The winners of the BIS for the 5 categories and the winners of the BIS of special breed shows are allowed to

participate in the Best of Best. A cat can only participate in one BIS per show.

Please remember to place on stage a large WCF symbol and print this license on one of the first pages

of the show catalogue.

Only exhibitions with licenses printed in the show catalogues prove they are really licensed and valid

for WCF awards.

ALL SHOWS MUST BE LICENSED and licenses must be printed in the show catalogues.

Each show catalogue must include a page for the WCF, including the names and addresses of the actual


In all World and International Shows with foreign judges or exhibitors, all announcements and

cat calls during the show and Best in Show ceremonies, MUST BE made also in English, not only in the

native language of the country.

In WCF exhibitions cats cannot be judged more than once per day even in combined exhibitions with

two or more WCF-clubs, under penalty of rules.

An electronically copy of this show catalogue with all results must be sent to the Chairman of the Show

commission to the mail address show.results@wcf-online.de, latest 10 days after the date of exhibition.

The club will face disciplinary actions, and at least a fine of Euro 200.- will apply if the club does not

comply with these resolutions.

In addition, we want to remind you of the following important points:

International shows can only be recognized, if an amount of minimum 80 cats are registered in the catalogue

on each showday.

A change of the place or the date requires new license numbers.

If you need to invite other judges please send the amended show-application at least 6 weeks before the date

of the exhibition.

If you have to cancel the exhibition it is necessary to inform the license manager before the planned date.

This license will be

Best regardscome invalid with suspension or expulsion of the requesting club. Likewise, it loses its

validity for non prolongation of patronage. There is no claim for reimbursement of the license fees.

All WCF clubs are welcome to participate in the WCF Best Cat. .

All questions about participating please send to support@wcfbestcat.com

We from the Board wish you all the best for this upcoming show.

WCF show licensing management

Marina Khodusova

According to § 28 and § 29 BDSG (Federal Data Protection Act) passing on of all WCF exhibition data including show

results to third parties for NON-WCF purposes is prohibited.

*WCF is a registered trademark of World Cat Federation. Its use by non-members will result in prosecution.

The Board

The Board of WCF consists of the president, the secretary general and the treasurer.
The Extended Board consists of the two vice-presidents. The WCF has various Commissions.

Executive committee: The Board


Anneliese Hackmann

Geisbergstr. 2

D-45139 Essen


phone: +49-(0)-201-555 724

fax: +49-(0)-201-552 747

email: wcf@wcf-online.de

Secretary General

Tatjana Cernova

Hapsalas 15-31

LV-1005 Riga


mobile: +371-291 234 30

email: wcf.secretarygeneral@inbox.lv


(Appointed by the Board)

Alexandru Elian

013753 Bukarest


phone: +40-744-60 60 57

email: treasurer@wcf-online.de

Extended Board

1st Vice-president

Anna Rudakova

ul. Moskovskaya, 13a

440031 Penza


phone: +7 8412 66 0130

mobile: +7 902 352 7153

email: 1.vice-president@wcf-online.de

2nd Vice-president

(Appointed by the Board)

Dr. Johan H. Lamprecht

7550 Durbanville

South Africa

phone: +27-21-976 99 65

email:. 2.vice-president@wcf-online.de


Assistant to the Secretary General

Pavel Rudov

Languages: EN, RU

email: solitomagis@gmail.com

Chair persons of the Commissions

Disciplinary commission

Aleksander Cierpisz

PL-52-204 Wroclaw


phone: +48-664-80 35 03

email: wcf.disciplinary.commission@gmail.com

Show commission

Aija Nuke

(Appointed by the Board)

Neretas 2-29

LV-1004 Riga

phone: +371-2-940 74 04

email: aija.nuke@inbox.lv

Standard and Judges commission

Yanina Melnikova

(Appointed by the Board)

14 Masherova Avenue, Apt.52

220005 Minsk


phone: +375-172-88 69 36

mobile::+375-296-286 936

email: judgescomwcf@gmail.com

Licenses for exhibitions

Licenses for exhibitions

in Russia - European part and Belarus

Marina Khodusova

Novosibirsk / Russia

mobile: +7-913-954 18 12

email: wcf.show.license@gmail.com

Licenses for exhibitions

in all other countries

Gisela Danisch


email: wcf@gmx-topmail.de

Licenses for exhibitions

in Russia - Asian part, Kazakhstan,

Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia

Tatiana Karikh

Sochi / Russia

email: show.requests4@wcf-online.de

Other adresses

Cattery registrations

Doris Reiter

WCF Office Essen/Germany

Email: wcfgermany@aol.com

Certified pedigrees

Email: pedigrees@wcf-online.de

Jointshows with Non-WCC organizations

Tatjana Cernova

Email: mrscernova@inbox.lv

Permissions, website and other matters

WCF Office Essen/Germany

Email: wcfev@aol.com


Cornelia Hungerecker

Email: wcf.seminars@gmx.de

Show results

Email: show.results@wcf-online.de


Marion Meister

Email: wcf.worldshow@aol.com

General questions about:

club accounts, incoming payments, hologram stickers, license numbers, published website content, WCH certificates

Gisela Danisch

Email: wcf@gmx-topmail.de


Tanja Krause
D-45139 Essen
Email: wcf@wcf-online.de

Nicole Schäfer
D-45136 Essen

Commissions and Service

Disciplinary Commission


Aleksander Cierpisz

PL-52-204 Wroclaw

phone: +48-664-80 35 03

email: wcf.disciplinary.commission@gmail.com

Dr. Paolo Veneziani

(Appointed by the Board)
Via Aeroporto 21/1
38121 Trento

phone:+39-340-652 02 81

email: bran@ilcerchiodianu.com

Elena Fedorenko

RU-191119 Ekaterinburg
email: urman.r66@gmail.com

Standard- and Judges Commission

Yanina Melnikova
(Appointed by the Board)
14 Masherov Avenue, Apt.52
220005 Minsk
phone: +375-172-88 69 36
mobile::+375-296-286 936
email: judgescomwcf@gmail.com
Forms and documents to:
email: jcsecretarywcf@gmail.com

Cornelia Hungerecker

Overbergstr. 34
D-45141 Essen

phone: +49-(0)-201-328 298
fax: +49-(0)177-732 82 98

email: c_hungerecker@yahoo.de

Prof. Massimo Picardello
00135 Rom
mobile: +39-348-444 93 86
email: picard@mat.uniroma2.it

Daniel Counasse
(Appointed by the Board)
mobile: +32-472-46 54 95
email: danielcounasse@gmail.com

Marina Litvina
(Appointed by the Board)
115304 Moskau

phone +7-495-323 33 56

mobile: +7-903-169 13 63
email: litvina@inbox.ru

Anna Rudakova
(Delegated by the Board)
440031 Penza

phone: +7-8412-66 01 30

mobile: +7 902-352 71 53
Email: 1.vice-president@wcf-online.de

Show Commission

Aija Nuke
(Appointed by the Board)
Neretas 2-29
LV-1004 Riga , Latvia

phone: +371-2-940 74 04
email: aija.nuke@inbox.lv

Assistent: Roman Nitsenko

Daniel Sànchez i Mauri
c/ Onofre Arnau 37 local
08301 Mataró
phone: +34-649-46 88 50
email: dsmauri@gmail.com

Anneliese Hackmann

(Delegated by the Board)
Geisbergstr. 2
D-45139 Essen
phone: +49-(0)-201-555 724
fax: +49-(0)-201-552 747
email: wcf@wcf-online.de



Григорьевой Екатерине, питомник мейн кунов «Forest Elite Line`s» – Псков

Михайловой Маргарите, питомник «RitkinDom» - Псков


Longhair group

Persian - Colourpoint

PER CP d 33 1. Show class world champion (-/PH)
red point WCF W.Ch. Dikanta Floranc Female
1 born 13.02.2017
Microchip: 643094100456254 RUS
Sire: St. Jude Vycril of Dikanta (PER d 21 33)
Dam: D-Dikanta Vasilska (PER f 21 33)
PER CP n 33 7. Show class grand international champion (-/CACE)
seal point Dikanta Dario Male
2 born 13.02.2017
Microchip: 643094100456255 RUS
Sire: St. Jude Vycril of Dikanta (PER d 21 33)
Dam: D-Dikanta Vasilska (PER f 21 33)
PER CP n 21 33 16. Show class kitten (-/CACP)
seal tabby point Monika from Salve astra Female
3 born 31.08.2018
Microchip: 900079000150935
Sire: Dikanta Dario (PER CP n 33)
Dam: Lengree Ivetta (PER d 21 33)
PER CP f 21 33 7. Show class grand international champion (-/CACE)
seal tortie tabby point WCF W.Ch. Dikanta Tiffani Female
4 born 12.12.2017
Microchip: -
Sire: Dikanta Autumn Blues (PER d 33)
Dam: D-Dikanta Vasilska (PER f 21 33)


PER g 03 16. Show class kitten (CACP/CACP)
blue tortie (blue cream) bicolour WCF Int.Ch. Arisha de Vivien Lollipop Female
5 born 26.11.2018
Microchip: -
Sire: WCF W.Ch. Vivat Cat Magnat of Murrrlyca (PER d 03)
Dam: WCF W.Ch. Unistar Sansa (EXO f 03)
PER f 03 24 16. Show class kitten (CACP/CACP)
black tortie spotted bicolour OrchidsLudisia Dulcinea Tobos Female
6 born 27.11.2018
Microchip: -
Sire: AMFION"S EL ARIS (PER a 03 24)
Dam: Niks Konfetka Yrys (EXO f 22)

Shorthair group

Exotic Shorthair

EXO ds 22 13. Show class open (CAC/CAC)
red silver blotched Solnyshko's Batty Female
7 born 02.02.2017
Microchip: -
Sire: Mag'Imperiya Daniel (EXO d 21 33)
Dam: Solnyshko's Nyusha (EXO ds 24)

Longhair group

British Longhair

BLH d 15. Show class junior (CACJ/CACJ)
red Patricia Charm Majesty Female
8 born 20.07.2018
Microchip: -
Sire: Oliver Charm Majesty (BLH e)
Dam: Tricky Nick Tiramisu (BLH q)
BLH e 7. Show class grand international champion (CACE/CACE)
cream Larsen Alex Moor Male
9 born 03.01.2014
Microchip: -
Sire: Alex Salvadores*RUS (BLH a)
Dam: Cintia (BLH g)
BLH f 15. Show class junior (CACJ/CACJ)
black tortie La mia gioia Unica Female
10 born 25.09.2018
Microchip: -
Sire: Larsen Alex Moor (BLH e)
Dam: Alimurs Xena (BLH f)

Highland Fold

SFL w 62 15. Show class junior (CACJ/CACJ)
white w/orange eyes Kotisha Mur Miss Mia Female
11 born 01.08.2018
Microchip: -
Sire: Kindlycat's Vivat King (SFL ns 03 22)
Dam: Color Galaxy J'Adore (SFL 71 w 62)
SFL c 03 21 33 15. Show class junior (CACJ/CACJ)
lilac tabby point w/white Le Marbre Blanc's Esenia Female
12 born 10.07.2018
Microchip: -
Sire: Luck Show City Goodwin (SFL cs 33)
Dam: Liza Minnelli Teffolt (SFS 71 a 03 21 33)

Scottish Straight Longhair

SFL 71 d 09 22 11. Show class champion (CACIB/CAGCIB)
red blotched w/white WCF Gr.Int.Ch. Dali El Escoces Casa Male
13 born 24.11.2017
Microchip: 643078021111879
Sire: WCF Int.Ch. SENSAY (SFL 71 d 03 22)
Dam: WCF Ch. Bounty (SFS j)

Semi longhair group

Maine Coon

MCO w 63 15. Show class junior (CACJ/CACJ)
white w/odd eyes Alpinen Gold Leonid Male
14 born 30.08.2018
Microchip: 643094100451555
Sire: Waldhunter Kalif (MCO w 61)
Dam: Kaaisa Ludique Esprit (MCO f)
MCO a 22 15. Show class junior (CACJ/CACJ)
blue blotched Major Forest Elite Line's Male
15 born 01.06.2018
Microchip: 643094100524707
Sire: WCF W.Ch. Joker Perfect Basteta*LT (MCO n 23)
Dam: WCF W.Ch. LV*Bosque Bestia Hilda (MCO f 22)
MCO a 22 15. Show class junior (CACJ/CACJ)
blue blotched Marfa Forest Elite Line's Female
16 born 01.06.2018
Microchip: 643094100558638
Sire: WCF W.Ch. Joker Perfect Basteta*LT (MCO n 23)
Dam: WCF W.Ch. LV*Bosque Bestia Hilda (MCO f 22)
MCO g 22 15. Show class junior (CACJ/CACJ)
blue tortie (blue cream) blotched Nelli Forest Elite Line's Female
17 born 02.06.2018
Microchip: 643094100558639
Sire: WCF W.Ch. Aurevoir from Tassel Magic (MCO d)
Dam: Ursula Stellar Slavburg (MCO fs 22)
MCO gs 24 11. Show class champion (CACIB/CACIB)
blue tortie (blue cream) silver spotted WCF Int.Ch. Businka Silver Darlings Female
18 born 13.01.2018
Microchip: -
Sire: Jerom Charuta*RU (MCO e)
Dam: Glorious Tale's Shakira (MCO as 22)
MCO d 11. Show class champion (CACIB/CACIB)
19 born 28.02.2016
Microchip: -
Sire: Lyidgy (MCO n 22)
Dam: Arizona Beautifue Cat (MCO d 22)
MCO d 09 13. Show class open (CAC/CAC)
red w/white Laura Forest Elite Line's Female
20 born 28.04.2018
Microchip: 643094100524701
Sire: WCF W.Ch. Aurevoir from Tassel Magic (MCO d)
Dam: WCF Ch. Academys Gracia (MCO ds 22)
MCO d 09 22 2. Show class world premior (PH (Alter)/PH (Alter))
red blotched w/white WCF Gr.Eur.Pr. WCF Pearl Master Boy Gold of Radmariss Neuter
21 born 20.06.2016
Microchip: -
Sire: Vittory Buch Staff (MCO d 09 22)
Dam: Da-Daura of Radmariss (MCO d 09 22)
MCO ds 15. Show class junior (CACJ/CACJ)
red smoke Nica Forest Elite Line's Female
22 born 02.06.2018
Microchip: 643094100524708
Sire: WCF W.Ch. Aurevoir from Tassel Magic (MCO d)
Dam: Ursula Stellar Slavburg (MCO fs 22)
MCO ds 25 13. Show class open (CAC/CAC)
red silver ticked tabby Vayle from RitkinDom Male
23 born 29.01.2018
Microchip: -
Sire: Ultimatum Largowinch (MCO d 25)
MCO n 22 13. Show class open (CAC/CACIB)
black blotched Bentley Skyfireway Female
24 born 01.01.2017
Microchip: -
Sire: -
Dam: -
MCO n 22 9. Show class international champion (CAGCIB/CACE)
black blotched Erichaus Ben Affleck Male
25 born 12.11.2017
Microchip: -
Sire: Irvin Gonsior Line*RU (MCO n 22)
Dam: Queen Elizabeth (MCO n 22)
MCO n 22 11. Show class champion (CACIB/-)
black blotched WCF Gr.Int.Ch. Ksantiy Solar Soul Avokado Paradise Male
26 born 19.11.2017
Microchip: -
Sire: WCF Gr.Int.Ch. Apollo Magic's Van Gogh (MCO n 09 22)
Dam: WCF Ch. Hillary (MCO f 22)
MCO ns 2. Show class world premior (PH (Alter)/PH (Alter))
black smoke WCF W.Pr. WCF Pearl Master ProbonoAstra Ace Berg Neuter
27 born 11.10.2016
Microchip: -
Sire: WCF W.Ch. Justcoons Hick Stead (MCO ns)
Dam: Nikole Moon Coeur (MCO ns)
MCO ns 15. Show class junior (CACJ/CACJ)
black smoke Stefdar Pride Best Male
28 born 30.06.2018
Microchip: -
Sire: Family Talisman Darvin (MCO ns)
Dam: Zalina Ranger King (MCO ns 25)
MCO ns 15. Show class junior (CACJ/CACJ)
black smoke ProbonoAstra Dea Female
29 born 30.07.2018
Microchip: -
Sire: WCF Gr.Eur.Ch. Academy’s Tomas (MCO ns)
Dam: WCF W.Ch. ProbonoAstra Bestia (MCO ns)
MCO ns 25 9. Show class international champion (CAGCIB/CAGCIB)
black silver ticked WCF Gr.Int.Ch. Chester Royal Blood Male
30 born 10.02.2017
Microchip: -
Sire: Neo Sarmatcoon (MCO ns 25)
Dam: Olivia Vip Line*RU (MCO fs 22)
MCO f 15. Show class junior (CACJ/CACJ)
black tortie Nansy Major Child Female
31 born 14.06.2018
Microchip: 643094100524860
Sire: Maxwell B.B.King (MCO n 09)
Dam: RU*Respectcoon Verta (MCO f 22)


SIB ns 22 15. Show class junior (CACJ/CACJ)
black silver blotched Zhan-Zhak Dubravushka of Matthiola*BFC-BY Male
32 born 14.09.2018
Microchip: 804098100122353
Sire: Argent Klimenkot (SIB ds)
Dam: Odri Dubravushka (SIB ns 22)

Kurilian Bobtail Longhair

KBL n 09 22 6. Show class european (continental) premier (CAGPE/CAGPE)
black blotched w/white DENDY IZ KOTOFEEVA GRADA Neuter
33 born 05.03.2013
Microchip: -
Sire: ICH Amadi Le Clair Grand Pompon*RU (KBL a 02)
Dam: Zabava iz Kotofeeva Grada (KBL f 23)
KBL ns 09 22 9. Show class international champion (CAGCIB/-)
black silver blotched w/white WCF. Ch. Pearl Master Chudobob Hennessi Male
34 born 16.03.2018
Microchip: -
Sire: Jurgis Zvezda Kuril (KBL ns 22)
Dam: Dubrava's Aisha Tiny Lynx (KBL f 03)
KBL f 03 22 12. Show class premior (CAPIB/CAPIB)
black tortie blotched bicolour OLBINA IZ KOTOFEEVA GRADA Spay
35 born 25.12.2014
Microchip: -
Dam: V-Nadin Akkari Ainu (KBL f 22)
KBL fs 09 11. Show class champion (CACIB/CACIB)
black tortie smoke w/white Sansara Happy Hunter*BY Female
36 born 01.12.2017
Microchip: 112093400009155
Sire: Conor BobStyle (KBL ns 03)
Dam: Mafian King's S'Mafiya (KBL f 22)

Norwegian Forest Cat

NFO as 03 22 2. Show class world premior (PH (Alter)/PH (Alter))
blue silver blotched bicolour Rafael Dumny KotPL Neuter
37 born 07.03.2015
Microchip: -
Sire: S*Rotvaltans Casall (NFO d 03 22)
Dam: Fantazja Dumny Kot PL (NFO ns 03 22)

Turkish Angora

TUA w 61 9. Show class international champion (CAGCIB/CAGCIB)
white /blue eyes The Star Northwest Bentley Female
38 born 31.12.2017
Microchip: -
Sire: Kohalea De Saint Paer (TUA ns)
Dam: Solkhat Gella of Mountain Trolls (TUA w 61)
TUA a 15. Show class junior (CACJ/CACJ)
blue Solkhat Infiniti mountain troll Female
39 born 01.06.2018
Microchip: -
Sire: Solkhat Howard (TUA n)
Dam: Solkhat Coco Chanel (TUA fs)
TUA a 16. Show class kitten (CACP/CACP)
blue Dolphin Mountain of Trolls Female
40 born 24.11.2018
Microchip: -
Sire: Kohalea De Saint Paer (TUA ns)
Dam: Solkhat Gella of Mountain Trolls (TUA w 61)
TUA n 11. Show class champion (CACIB/CAGCIB)
black The Star Northwest Ballantines Male
41 born 31.12.2017
Microchip: -
Sire: Kohalea De Saint Pair (TUA ns)
Dam: Solkhat Gella of Mountain Trolls (TUA w 61)

Shorthair group


ABY n (aby) 9. Show class international champion (CAGCIB/CAGCIB)
ruddy (abyssinian) Berberis Basileus of Everhil Male
42 born 28.01.2018
Microchip: -
Sire: Berberis Mandarin (ABY o (aby))
Dam: Berberis Shakira (ABY n (aby))

Kurilian Bobtail Shorthair

KBS ny 09 22 2. Show class world premior (PH (Alter)/-)
black golden blotched w/white WCF Pr Master Don Bass Neuter
43 born 24.10.2014
Microchip: -
Sire: Party Heartbreaker (KBL n 09 23)
Dam: Vual Golden Dome (KBS n 09 22)

British Shorthair

BRI a 1. Show class world champion (PH/PH)
blue WCF W.Ch. Dante LichiBast Male
44 born 30.03.2016
Microchip: 941000018882408
Sire: Alimur's Yulius (BRI a)
Dam: LV*First Crystal's Be My Love (BRI a)
BRI a 7. Show class grand international champion (CACE/CAGCE)
blue Love Story Von Shmidt Female
45 born 23.06.2016
Microchip: -
Sire: WCF W.Ch. Windymeadow Magneto (BRI a)
Dam: Ablikats Gweni Peni (BRI a)
BRI a 11. Show class champion (CACIB/CAGCIB)
blue WCF Int.Ch. Jordan Gray Cloud Male
46 born 10.10.2017
Microchip: 900182001487528
Sire: Alimur's Yulius (BRI a)
Dam: Estell Gray Cloud (BRI a)
BRI a 13. Show class open (CAC/CAC)
blue Grandroshell Obama Male
47 born 17.05.2018
Microchip: 643094100516602 RUS
Sire: Grandroshell Lafayette (BRI a)
Dam: WCF Triple Master Grandroshell White Night (BRI c)
BRI a 15. Show class junior (CACJ/CACJ)
blue Narciss Lichibast Male
48 born 30.07.2018
Microchip: 941000023201963
Sire: WCF W.Ch. Dante LichiBast (BRI a)
Dam: Love Story Von Shmidt (BRI a)
BRI a 15. Show class junior (CACJ/CACJ)
blue Grandroshell Sultan Male
49 born 05.09.2018
Microchip: -
Sire: WCF Pearl Master Grandroshell Eclipse (BRI a)
Dam: Grandroshell Hello Baby (BRI a)
BRI ay 11 11. Show class champion (CACIB/CACIB)
blue golden shaded Cloudlet SuperMurrCat Male
50 born 16.01.2018
Microchip: -
Sire: Tresor from Raven City (BRI ny 25)
Dam: Valyria SuperMurrCat (BRI ay 25)
BRI as 11 33 13. Show class open (CAC/CAC)
blue silver shaded point Silver Renata's Quillina Quarry Female
51 born 27.05.2018
Microchip: 643094100581681
Sire: An Marion Howard Harly (BRI as 11 33)
Dam: Silver Renata's Karolina Kelis (BRI ns 11 33)
BRI ny 12 11. Show class champion (CACIB/CACIB)
golden chinchilla X-Ray Supermurrcat Male
52 born 20.03.2017
Microchip: -
Sire: Ulysses SuperMurrCat (BRI ny 25)
Dam: Rukaz Golden Nicoletta (BRI ay 25)
BRI ny 11 33 9. Show class international champion (CAGCIB/CAGCIB)
black golden shaded point WCF Int.Ch. Cashmer Tillen's Pride of Snow Charm Male
53 born 19.10.2017
Microchip: -
Sire: Riccardo-Ray-Felin Salut (BRI ny 25)
Dam: Fradgest mur Golden Dina (BRI ay 25)
BRI ny 22 11. Show class champion (CACIB/CACIB)
black golden blotched Merlin de Monte-Cristo Male
54 born 24.01.2016
Microchip: -
Sire: Vernissage de Monte-Cristo (BRI ny 22)
Dam: Philadelphia De Monte-Cristo (BRI ny 22)
BRI ny 22 13. Show class open (CAC/CAC)
black golden blotched ZINNIA de MONTE-CRISTO Female
55 born 13.05.2018
Microchip: -
Sire: Merlin de Monte-Cristo (BRI ny 22)
BRI ny 22 13. Show class open (CAC/CAC)
black golden blotched Attache de Monte-Cristo Male
56 born 16.05.2018
Microchip: -
Sire: Fluffy cats' Ignat (BRI ny 22)
Dam: Fancy de Monte-Cristo (BRI ny 22)
BRI ny 25 33 11. Show class champion (CACIB/CACIB)
black golden point ticked Silver Renata's Nora Niles Female
57 born 29.10.2016
Microchip: 643094100440384 RUS
Sire: Golden Olden Soft's Mozart (BRI ny 25)
Dam: Elisa Vetsky Evra Engres (BRI ny 25 33)
BRI c 13. Show class open (CAC/CAC)
lilac Agafija Gwendoliny Cennterelli Female
58 born 30.05.2018
Microchip: -
Sire: EE*Marshal First Volex (BRI c)
Dam: Genrietta monse Cennterelli (BLH b)
BRI 20. Show class litter (Litter/Litter)
color determination POMET "O"....GRAY CLOUD Litter
59 born 29.11.2018
Microchip: -
Sire: Hesticus Harley (BRI o)
Dam: Estell Gray Cloud (BRI a)
BRI ns 11 16. Show class kitten (CACP/CACP)
black silver shaded Ninel Snezhkin Dom Female
60 born 11.12.2018
Microchip: -
Sire: Pretty Ritus Silver Arsi (BRI ns 11)
BRI ns 11 33 13. Show class open (CAC/CAC)
seal silver shaded point Silver Renata's Quiris Quera Female
61 born 27.05.2018
Microchip: 643094100581689 RUS
Sire: An Marion Howard Harly (BRI as 11 33)
Dam: Silver Renata's Karolina Kelis (BRI ns 11 33)
BRI ns 22 64 16. Show class kitten (CACP/CACP)
black silver blotched w/green eyes Michelle Gray Cloud Female
62 born 29.10.2018
Microchip: 64309410594549
Sire: Alfonso Argentum Tabby*LT (BRI ns 22 64)
Dam: Holly Gray Cloud (BRI ns 22 64)

Scottish Fold Shorthair

SFS ny 25 11. Show class champion (CACIB/CACIB)
black golden ticked Pusic Golden Gull Male
63 born 30.06.2014
Microchip: 643099000066537
Sire: Sun-City's Xandor (SFS 71 ny 25)
Dam: Manu Golden Grace of Huntly (SFS ny 25)
SFS ny 25 13. Show class open (CAC/CAC)
black golden ticked LUX Magia Tepla* RU Male
64 born 21.04.2018
Microchip: -
Sire: Iceberg Golden Gull (SFS 71 ny 25)
Dam: Casie Masie Tepla*RU (SFS ny 25 33)

Scottish Straight Shorthair

SFS 71 f 22 16. Show class kitten (CACP/CACP)
black tortie blotched KASSID KSYU SIMKA Female
65 born 06.11.2018
Microchip: -
Dam: Butterfly (SFS ns 24)
SFS 71 by 25 33 13. Show class open (CAC/CAC)
chocolate golden ticked point Astrid from RitkinDom Female
66 born 22.04.2018
Microchip: -
Sire: Live Joy & Gentle Grace Daniel (SFS 71 ny 25)
Dam: Mavis From RitkinDom (SFS fs 25)


BEN n 24 13. Show class open (CAC/CAC)
black spotted CATS PSKOV BELKA of Avalonbeng*RU Female
67 born 24.02.2018
Microchip: -
BEN n 24 15. Show class junior (CACJ/CACJ)
black spotted WCF Double, Pearl Master Hanna Wild Nighthunter Female
68 born 01.06.2018
Microchip: -
Sire: WCF W.Ch. Joanbengal Bumer (BEN n 24)
Dam: WCF W.Ch. Cherry Energymax (BEN n 24)
BEN n 24 16. Show class kitten (CACP/CACP)
black spotted Gatsby Golden Match Male
69 born 09.12.2018
Microchip: -
Sire: Major Oasisbengals (BEN n 24)
Dam: Wild World of Mary Daisy (BEN n 24)
BEN n 24 33 13. Show class open (CAC/CACIB)
black point spotted DZHYLIYA ELEONAS Female
70 born 06.10.2017
Microchip: -
Sire: Vanhelsing (BEN n 22)

Russian Blue

RUS a 11. Show class champion (CACIB/CAGCIB)
blue Emelya Rus*RU Male
71 born 04.07.2017
Microchip: 643178021061703
Sire: Marcipan Jemchujina Neba (RUS a)
Dam: Milena Rus*RU (RUS a)


BUR f (bur) 16. Show class kitten (CACP/CACP)
brown tortie (burmese) Kanchita Wild Nighthunter Female
72 born 14.11.2018
Microchip: -
Sire: Burmaleus Bugatti Veyron (BUR n (bur))
Dam: Burmaleus Yashma (BUR f (bur))

Cornish Rex

CRX b 33 13. Show class open (CAC/CAC)
chocolate point Axel Augusto Loran Male
73 born 10.05.2018
Microchip: -
Sire: X-Samurai Gwendji Wonder (CRX b)
Dam: Beata Loran (CRX c 33)
CRX h 03 13. Show class open (CAC/CACIB)
chocolate tortie bicolour Tamriel Queen Butterfly Female
74 born 29.10.2017
Microchip: -
Sire: Assolux Tamriel Indiana Jones (CRX b 03)
Dam: Ulise Cornwell Legend*RU (CRX g 03)

Devon Rex

DRX w 61 16. Show class kitten (CACP/CACP)
white /blue eyes Maxi Milary Cleo Female
75 born 10.11.2018
Microchip: -
Sire: Florans Gomer of Maxy Milary (DRX w 64)
Dam: Royal Disare Adolarata (DRX b 21)
DRX w 63 15. Show class junior (CACJ/CACJ)
white w/odd eyes Florans Nika Female
76 born 16.09.2018
Microchip: -
Sire: Florans Vincent (DRX w)
Dam: Mashuko Cameliya (DRX g 03 21)
DRX a 33 7. Show class grand international champion (CACE/CACE)
blue point Maximino from Loud Kiss*LV Male
77 born 11.10.2016
Microchip: 900079000171184
Sire: WCF W.Ch. S*Wild Things Tutankhamon (DRX n)
Dam: Ankhesenamun from Loud Kiss*LV (DRX as 21 33)

Hairless group

Don Sphynx

DSX n 21. Show class veteran (Vet/Vet)
black Khel'ga Female
78 born 22.03.2011
Microchip: -
Sire: -
Dam: -
DSX f 02 15. Show class junior (CACJ/CACJ)
black tortie harlequin Jady Donmoore Female
79 born 22.06.2018
Microchip: -
Sire: Eozhik DonMoore (DSX d 33)
Dam: Basnya Tallisdon (DSX n 03 21)


SPH n 32 (ton) 9. Show class international champion (CAGCIB/CAGCIB)
natural mink (tonkinese) WCF Int.Ch. Givenchy Breath of Wind In My Dream Female
80 born 29.04.2018
Microchip: -
Sire: Imlerith (SPH a 33)
Dam: Another side of the moon in MyDream (SPH n 03)
SPH n 09 12. Show class premior (CAPIB/CAPIB)
black w/white ARISTARH of ILUSAD KASSID MARIN Neuter
81 born 14.12.2015
Microchip: -
Sire: FILIPP of AMBER FLASH (SPH b 03 32)
SPH b 32 9. Show class international champion (CAGCIB/CACE)
chocolate mink Iton Tashi Diamonds Male
82 born 13.05.2017
Microchip: -
Sire: Tashi Diamonds Ra (SPH n 09)
Dam: Rich-Sfinks Charlizetta Betti (SPH b 33)
SPH b 03 33 16. Show class kitten (CACP/CACP)
chocolate point w/white Iliya Muromets in My Dream Male
83 born 08.10.2018
Microchip: -
Sire: Imlerith (SPH a 33)
Dam: WCF W.Ch. WCF Pearl Master Malinka Mydream (SPH n 02)

Siamese group


THA b 33 13. Show class open (CAC/CAC)
chocolate point WCF Gr.Int.Ch. Bogema Wonderful Elite Female
84 born 28.05.2018
Microchip: -
Sire: WCF W.Ch. Florizel Magia Vostoka (THA b 33)
Dam: WCF Int.Ch. Dussek Sophia Thai Legend (THA n 33)

Oriental Shorthair

OSH d 11. Show class champion (CACIB/CAGCIB)
red Ursha Nadlenori Male
85 born 19.04.2018
Microchip: -
Sire: FI*LoveOriental Midnight Dream (OSH b 03)
Dam: Samara Del Iris (OSH f)

Toy Bob

TOB n 33 1. Show class world champion (PH/PH)
seal point WCF Gr.Eur.Ch. Small-Cats Benedict Bel-Moor's Male
86 born 12.06.2014
Microchip: -
Sire: Bel-Moor's Alan Veni Vidi Vici (TOB n 09 33)
Dam: Bel-Moor's Coca (TOB n 33)
TOB n 33 13. Show class open (CAC/CAC)
seal point Small-Cats Navarra Female
87 born 15.04.2018
Microchip: -
Sire: Small-Cats Hodge (TOB n 33)
Dam: Bel-Moor's Coca (TOB n 33)

Seychellois Shorthair

SYS n 03 16. Show class kitten (-/CACP)
black bicolour Armina Nadlenori Female
88 born 20.11.2018
Microchip: -
Sire: FI*LoveOriental Midnight Dream (OSH b 03)
Dam: Zena Del Iris (OSH n 03)